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hey i played Cat powered ufo, and im in a bug rn, im fighting the boss of the frog mans cave in the first dimension, but the starts seems to never finish, do i need to unlock a certain item to fight it? i cant get outside of the battle either, anyway its a great game!

First of all.  Thanks for playing!  👽

Secondly.  The version up on is a little out dated.  I have the game coming soon on Steam!!

As for your bug, do you have the purple beam attack at this point?  In the old versions you could damage boost your way up to the snake boss without unlocking a way to kill him.  I have made this impossible in the newest version.

I'll get you a steam key and you play the most up to date version if you like?  I'd be more than happy to hear your feedback!!💪

yeah i completely got damage boost to go to the snake boss thanks for telling me, i will be glad to try the latest version!

thank you for the steam key but i would prefer to play it on , i would be glad to gives u my feedbacks about it!

btw, i did a game as well, i understand if you dont wanna try it but it would be very nice if you did: !

Hi, Kamigarp I have been having a bump in my game dev life with a lot of stress but I would love to ask some opinions thanks for everything you have said to me again it has made me feel good now about the questions that will help me a ton to get info from.

-1: Are you excited for a huge improvement for this game in general

-2: Will you be hyped or just want to try out the newest version of when it is released

-3: What are some improvements that could make the game better

-4: Do you think this game could be a small TD game that people would love if put hard enough work into

Thanks again It has been a while since I got info from you I think you understand how hard it can be to get silence from your game but I hope your games will become liked at one point.

hello, i didnt see your comment im sorry for that, but i dont think its the good place to ask such things, if you did some improvements on ur game since the last time i played i would give it a try  sure

(2 edits)

Thanks, I didn't know how to comment someone privately and by the way, it might be a long time cause of the file getting corrupted I had to start all over

If I upload any other games will you at least review them thanks hello, i don't know if you remember about me you did a review on a terrible game i made 2 months ago, i made a new game recently in which i had put much more effort and i'm looking for feedbacks, i would really love to hear your opinion about it, greetings!

Hey!  I just tried following the link to your newer game and it doesn't seem to work  :(

yeah i deleted it because there was a bug in it but thank you a lot!

oh.  Well, tell me when you're good for playtesting!

hello, i've just made a new version with a lot more content that is good to playtest, there is a lot of content but the game is really open so you can play as much as you want. Anyway, feel free to ask me anything in return and thank you a lot!

Hi there again, your game took the first place in my top 3 games for this last month October! You will find the reason in the video ;)